Two Days National Conference on IPS & Cyber Space


Two Days National Workshop


Intellectual Property Rights & Cyber Space

organized by

Faculty of Law


23rd & 24th Sep 2021


About the Theme of the Workshop:

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind. Intellectual property protection is critical to fostering innovation. Without protection of ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap the full benefits of their inventions and would focus less on research and development. There are many advantages in securing intellectual property rights. Patents provide incentives to individuals by recognising their creativity and offering the possibility of material reward for their marketable inventions. These incentives encourage invention. Trademark protection ensures that the owners of marks have the exclusive right to use them to identify goods or services in large sense, trademarks promote initiative and enterprises worldwide by rewarding their owners with recognition and financial profit. A geographical indication is a sign used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and posses’ qualities or a reputation due to that place of origin. Cyberspace is a nonphysical domain where numerous computers are connected through network to establish communication between them with the expansion of technology, cyberspace has come within reach of every individual. Cyberspace is becoming a hub foe intellectual property rights and various other rights of other website operators. his fact led to the emergence of cyberspace as a business platform and hence increases pressure on Intellectual Property. Nowadays, cybercrimes do not solely limit themselves to fraud, cyberbullying, identity thefts but also an infringement of copyrights and trademarks of various businesses and other organizations. Online content needs to be protected and hence Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber laws cannot be separated.

Significance of this Workshop:

The session brings out the importance of IPR which is critical to fostering innovation. Without protection of ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap the full benefits of their inventions. The workshop provides with insights about the revenue sharing on any IP generated from a partnership between the academic institution and external or internal partners. Besides, it’ll promote and motivate entrepreneurial activities by its students and staff.

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Mr. James


Mrs.M.Amaraa, Assistant Professor

Ms. Divya.S, Assistant Professor


Students Coordinator

Mr. Kamalakannan.N

Ms. Komal

Ms. Subashree.R.S


Ms. Arthi.D.Asrani