About US
Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute is a graded autonomy institution that ranks among the best academic institutions in the country. As a leader, we are now working on several sponsored research projects. The institute's infrastructure and the wealth of our experience give it a distinct advantage. Professors, scientists, and social scientists staff of departments and research centres are highly trained and specialize in a variety of fields. Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute have served a vast number of clients who have expressed great pleasure following NAAC accreditation. State and federal government bodies, public and private sector companies, and international organizations are among them. The role of the Centre for Sponsored Research (CSR) needs special mention in this context.
All sponsored projects handled by the faculty of Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute are promoted, facilitated, coordinated, and administered by Centre for Sponsored Research. We are pleased to announce that we have received ISO 21001:2018 Quality Certification. Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute is one of India's first educational institutions to engage in promotional activities with industries, with the aim of expanding the interchange of knowledge and experience between the Institute and industries.
Dr.MGRERI places a high value on sponsored research, collaborative research funded by national and international agencies, and strong industrial interaction. The institute has established modern laboratories as well as the necessary infrastructure.
Sponsored research has also emerged as an important factor in the development of infrastructure and the strengthening of facilities in some emerging areas of technology. The institute's faculty maintains strong industrial ties by taking on consulting assignments. This includes a variety of tasks such as troubleshooting, product and process development, and design checks. However apart from these activities, faculty members also run short-term company-specific training programmes. To increase industrial participation in engineering education, the institute has initiated industry-sponsored master's degree programmes.
The Centre for Sponsored Research (CSR) Unit is in charge of providing administrative support and project management for the various types of projects undertaken by the institute's faculty. The Principal Investigator (PI) of a sanctioned project is the focal person between the funding agency and CSR, as well as the project's implementation chief.
Most of the powers rest with the PI. In case of relaxations of rules, Principal Director (R&D) accords approval.
- Prof. RM.Narayanan
Welcome to the website of the Centre for Sponsored Research. These pages depict the types of research projects undertaken to engage with industry and conduct fundamental and applied research, as well as the mode of operation. In addition, the Centre manages several areas of intellectual property and technology transfer. Links to the web pages of academic members who can be contacted for their expertise are also available. We are excited to collaborate with industries, academicians, and entrepreneurs to expand the knowledge and impact.
Sponsored projects are R & D projects funded by government departments and agencies, industries or other institute with a view to generate new knowledge, to develop new technology or to create new products in nation building. These programmes also help in the development of human resources in the premier areas of science and technology.
Other Officials
Dr. A. Vinita Mary
Dean (Consultancy & Sponsored Project Medical/Dental)
Dr. Sridevi Sangeetha
Deputy Dean (Consultancy & Sponsored Project Medical/Dental)
R0 - Research Proposal Willingness Form [ Click Here ]
R1 - Research Proposal Submission [ Click Here]
R2 - Funded Research Project Sanctioned from External Agencies [ Click Here]
Name of the Project/ Clinical Trial/ Endowment/ Chairs
Name of the Principal Investigator/Co Investigator
Name of the Funding agency
Type (Government/Non-Government etc., )
Year of Award
Funds provided (INR in Lakhs)
Duration of the project
Design and Analysis of Collapsible Mandrel System for Solid Propellant Casting of 1m Diameter Test Motor – A Near Subscale of S200 Motor
PI: Dr. P. Palanisamy Co.PI: Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar Dr.J. Jayaseelan SRF: S. Karthikeyan
3 Years
Development and validation of a diagnostic kit for early detection of HPV infection in Cervical cancer
Dr. N. Sudhakar
WiFi Enabled occupancy Detector with App Interface
Smart-safe AIID Disable Friendly Energy Saving Building
Dr. M. Anand
Microbial transformation of colchicine and thiocolchicine into their corresponding 3-demethyated derivatives by selected bacterial strains
PI: Dr Reena Das
Isolation, identification ,characterization of an anti gastric cancer compound and formulation of herbal tablets from mangrove plant species Ceriops decandra
Dr. P. Thirunavukkarasu
Off Grid Rooftop solar power system.
Dr. L. Ramesh
I Spark Smart Solutions
2 years
Development of Coir Processing Machinery for Spinning of Fine Quality of Coir Yarn of Uniform Thickness and Reduced Hairiness, Coir Board, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India
PI: Dr. P. Palanisamy National Consultant: Dr. V. Natarajan
Coir Board, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India
3.9 Years
Setting up NewGen IEDC
PI : Dr Rama Vaidyanathan
5 Years
GADA & ICA Positivity in LADA Population : Need for Early Insulinization to prevent
Dr. KS Priyadharshini
2 Years
Study of Maternal plasma miRNAs as a Novel non invasive biomarker during mid pregnancy to predict spontaneous preterm delivery in asymptomatic pregnant women
Dr. Chandana M.P.
3 Year
Awareness, Attitudes and Practices of Medical Students regarding the Use of Food Labels and Nutritional Information.
Mr.Vishnu Naidu Dr.Priyadarshini.K.S
2017 - 2018
1 Year
screening for early prediction and diagnosis of pre eclampsia in indian women by congo red dot test and by quantifying amyloid proteins in pre eclampsia patients
Dr. M.P.A. Sailakshmi
microRNAs in Development of Osteoclasts During Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis in Indian Women
Dr. Anabazhagan Kolandaswamy
ICMR Govt. of India
Study of sensitivity of angiogenic factors as predictors of preeclampsia and role of Aspirin preventing preterm preeclampsia
Dr. R Nagarathnamma
Correlation of carotid intima-media thickness with atherogenic index of plasma in controlled and uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus
Ms. Sanjana, Dr. Usha S.M.R
Utilization pattern and effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety disorder in adults
Dr.Sudhir Hebbar
A Prospective Multicentric Rndomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled clinical study of BACOMIIND in ADHD in children & Adoloscents
Factors associated with trans theoretical model stage of change in smoking cessation among adult smokers of sub urban Chennai – A cross sectional study
Ms. Haritha rani, Dr. Shalini
Assessment of diabetes risk in an adult population using Indian diabetes risk score in a rural area near Chennai.
Ms. Swetha.H, Dr.Raj kamal
Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding carcinoma cervix screening, Hpv vaccination and acceptability of self-sampling for Hpv testing among women in a rural area of Tamilnadu – a cross sectional study
Ms. Jasvanthi, Dr.Anishamohan
Evaluation of the effect of intravenous iron sucrose on oxidative stress and antioxidant status in pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia
Ms. Sanjana, Dr.V.Sathyapriya
Prevalence of certain risk factors of noncommunicable diseases among first year MBBS students
Ms. Bandaru Sowmya Roopa, Dr. Anusha
Assessment of awareness on contraceptive methods among women in the reproductive age group in urban area of Chennai
Ms. Vinnolia, Dr.Jikki kalaiselvi
A cross – sectional study on internet addiction and affect score effects on certain psychological behaviour and salivary cortisol level among medical students
Mr. Veerapaneni kiran, Mrs.Bhagyashree.N
Effect of formalin on C-reactive protein and pulmonary function test in undergraduate medical student in anatomy dissection laboratory
Mr. Bhagavathiappan, Dr. Mahima Sophia
Identification and isolation of pathogenic organisms in ice creams
Ms. Archana, Dr. Kalavathy Victor
A cross – sectional study on the Knowledge, attitude and practice of notification of tuberculosis patients by private practitioners of Thiruvallur district
Dr. Christina Mary Paul
A cross – sectional study on the treatment centre preferences and out of pocket expenditure (OOPE) of tuberculosis patients of Thiruvallur district
Correlation of RBC distribution width with the incidence of Ischemic Heart Disease
Ms. Riya Naiya Dr. Prashanth Kumar M
2018 - 2019
Comparison of the blood plasma as media over conventionalreagents dulbeco’s modified eagle’s medium and trypsim inhibitor in epidermal cell suspension in stable Vitiligo and immunocyto chemical analysis of viability of melano cytes in both media
Erectile dysfunction: An emerging component of metabolic sysndrome
Mr. Rohit R
Study of diffrential expressions of meternal plasma miRNA as a novel non invasive biomarker during early pregnanacy as a preductor of preeclampsia and its severity
Pavanaganga A
Comparison of the blood plasma as media over Conventional epidermal cell suspension in stable vitiligo And immunocytochemical analysis of vialbility of melanocytes
Dr. Umashankar Nagaraju
CRAB (Clog Removing Autonomous Bot)
Mr. Madheshwaran, Mr. Dhilipkumar
PPM Coir Acoustic (Fabric Wrapped) Panels
Mr. Mithil Solanki, Mr. Pavan Kalyan, Mr. Pankaj Jangid
TSH in pregnant women
Dr. Usha SMR, & Dr. Sadaf Idris
Oral Glucose Stimulated C-peptide test: a simple screening tool to assess ?-cell function: an indirect method to diagnose LADA
2. Dr. Priyadarshini K.S, Dr. Bindu C.M, Dr. Dwajani.S
Unnat Bharath Abhiyaan
Dr.Monica Dr.ShashikalaManjunatha
National Coordinating institute, Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi
Evidence based evaluation -estimation of homocysteine, folate and vit B12 in Depression
Dr. Vidhyavathi M, Dr. vishnuvardhan, Dr. Dwajani.S
Detection of carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa from a tertiary care hospital
Sree varna and Dr.Lakshminarayan
Culture growth versus fasting blood glucose level in diabetic foot ulcer treatment- Which is a better predictor?
Dr. Kirtilaxmi. K. B.
Thyroid function tests in pregnant women
Dr. Usha S.M.R,
Effect of AEDs on thyroid hormone in children with epilepsy
Dr. Dwajani.S
Quantification of circulating micrornas associated with post-menopausal osteoporosis
Dr. Rupakala BM,
An assessment of the working conditions and health hazards of beedi rollers residing in Ramnagara district and Asurvey on the current status of adult tobacco users in Ramnagara district
Dr. Allen and Dr. Dwajani.S
Pattern of polysystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among women of reproductive age group attending teaching hospital
Ms. Taniya Kekkas Roy
A cross sectional study on the impact of physical activity and BMI on vitamin-D levels among medical students
Ms. Shilpasri Jana
Assessment of prevalence and socio-clinical characteristics of premature graying of hair among medical and paramedical students
Ms. Patrisyaa Jos
To evaluate the degree of oxidative stress in chronic renal failure patients undergoing haemodialisis
Ms. Ilakkiya
Culturegrowth versus fasting blood glucose level in diabetic foot ulcer treatment - Whic is better predictor?
Mr. Naveen M Reddy
AL and MI for Covid 19 app development
Dr. Dwajani.S, Dr. Prakash, Dr. Mukesh PR
Assessment of various Oceanographic Parameters and development of regional bio-optical algorithms for primary production estimates around Eastern coast of TamilNadu
PI: Dr. RM. Narayanan
Feasibility Study and Development of a Self- Sustainable Dual Renewable Energy Harvesting System for Unmanned / Autonomous Ocean Vehicle Surface
PI: Sa.K. Vishnoo Prathap Co-PI: T. Raghu, D. Pandurengan
1.2 Years
To Evaluate the effectiveness of BCG vaccine in reducing the morbidity and mortality in elderly individuals in COVID - 19 hotspots in India
Dr. Vidya GS, Dr.Praveen, Dr. Vivek
Feasibiliy Study for Design, Manufacturing & Testing of CRDi Fuel Injection System (FIS) of Diesel Engine for Armoured Fighting Vehicles
PI: Dr Ganesan Co-PI: Mr Venugopal, D. Pandurengan
Non Invasive Rapid specific and sensitive electrochemical bionsensor for COVID-19 infection
PI: Dr. Anand Babu K
Mosquito biodiversity and insecticide resistance documentation using phenotypic, barcoding and metabarcoding methods
PI: Dr. Rama Vaidyanathan, CoPI: Dr. U. Prithika, Co-PI: Dr. Christina Mary Paul
National Health Priorities of NHP 2017-18
Dr. C. Krithika
Documentation of Heritage Building
Ar. Harinya Meenu, Dr. Kumudhavalli Sasidhar, Dr. D. Jayanthi
Zen Inc. studios
Business Incubator infrastructure developement
Dr J Arun Kumar
Startup TN
Design of Antenna array with compatible randome for pollution detection
Dr. T. Godhavari, Dr. Sudhaman
1.5 Years