3 Days Online FDP on National Education Policy 5.0


Three Days Online Faculty Development Program


"National Education Policy 5.0”

organizes by

Academic staff College

This FDP will provide an overview of TRANSFORMATIVE REFORMS UNDER NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY. This FDP will provide an understanding of The importance of research and innovation emphasized in national education policy 2020 (NEP 2020), Holistic education is required to look beyond knowledge transfer and it must focus on Physical, emotional, social, ethical, cultural, and academic aspects by engaging all aspects of learner – body, mind, intellect, and soul and ultimately provide Knowledge, Experience, Skill, Sound Attitude and Values.

Date : 25-04-2023 - 27-04-2023

Registration link :https://forms.gle/q2XJNe5DJDbPKVG48

Zoom meet link :https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84568469311?pwd=cXl0K3FtMnJKT1htZ1Q4ZDZEa295dz09