Examination Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Committee is constituted to redress the examination related grievances reported by the stake holders of the University. The main functions of this Grievance Redressal Committee is (i) receiving the complaints / problems raised by the students (ii) analyzing the grievances, (iii) conducting meeting with the concerned officers for fair decision (iv) communicating the decision to the grievant.
The aim of the Grievance Committee is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere with the following objectives.
Procedure for Lodging Complaint:
Formal Registration:
Any aggrieved student with a genuine grievance will submit his/her grievances in the prescribed format for revaluation to the respective Heads of Departments.
Head of Departments forward the revaluation forms to the Grievance Redressal Cell and it will categories, analyze the merits of the grievance. The revaluation forms are forwarded to the Controller of Examinations for necessary action.
Grievance Redressal Committee will make a thorough review of the redressal process. In case of revaluation, the committee will check for the timely release of results within 15 days of receipt of application.
Re-valuation/Re-totaling/Challenge Process:
The Controller of Examinations conducts the valuation process with in the stipulated time and announces the results
Closure of Complaint:
The complaint shall be considered as disposed off and closed when:
a)The grievant has indicated acceptance of the result published.
b)The grievant has not responded within four weeks from the date of receipt of information on resolution.
The final decisions of the Grievance Redressal Committee are documented in the Minutes of Meeting for future reference.