Wall of Fame
The more you practice the better you'll be, the harder you train the great in you they'll see
by Alcurtis Turner
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - August 2023. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
Torch Bearer
Department of Commerce
Dr. A.Roqsana Taher
"Familiarization of SDGs"-Student progression towards SDGs for a greener and sustainable environment through awareness programmes including simulation games
Faculty of Education
Dr. K. Geetha
"Out reach via unconfined Education"-A seven days professional society event on Selvalaya
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - July 2023. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
Best Practice
Department of Financial Planning
Dr. J. Sridevi
Creating Job Creators
In line with the University's Vision statement, the department runs an entrepreneurship cell from 2018 onwards providing guidance and encouragement to students to start up new ventures. It also conducts Rural and Social Entrepreneurship workshops. So far 05 Entrepreneurs were nurtured.
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - June 2023. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of E&T
Ms. R. Selvameena
Conducted "Harmony Session" for the faculty members, as an initiative towards stress free and healthy mindset. This enhances their well being and productivity
A harmony session for the faculty members was conducted to have a distressing session which enabled them to become more productive and focus better on research and innovation.
Faculty of Nursing
Dr. Hema V. H
"Just a Minute" drive based on Blooms level to assess the knowledge and skill set of the students
A meaningful effort in assessing the knowledge level of enthusiastic final year students in and around Chennai by providing an opportunity for the students to answer 100 MCQs in 100 minutes (One minute to answer one question - Hence the name)
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - May 2023. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
First Year Engineering and Technology
Dr. B. Latha
EXCEL - 2023
Engineering students visited the dental laboratories for extended classroom learning on Biomaterials. It is a collaborative learning effort between the Medical, Biotechnology and Physics departments.
Department of Information Technology
Mr. N. Jeysankar
Mentor Point
Through the mentor point, a friendly and safe space where mentees can freely express their objectives, worries and aspirations.
Faculty of Architecture
Ar. S. Jalaja
Syllabus and Beyond - Professional Training Programme at School of Excellence, Dubai, UAE
Professional Training Programme at School of Excellence, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This programme was tailor made to welcome students and professionals from all around the world and educates them about the work practices followed in UAE and GRC countries.
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - March 2023. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
ExaMi (Extra Mile) in student support and progression
This is a creative platform with lot of efforts taken with two motives, "to develop skills" and "to ensure confidence". Students are encouraged to participate in external classroom activities which enables to stimulate the potential skills of students in all aspects
Faculty of Physiotherapy
Ms. G. Vaishnavi
Classroom Library
Classroom libraries are integral to successful teaching and learning. Subject books of the particular year of different authors which is available and kept in classroom. Students voluntarily place their own books, students who are unable to purchase them can use it and return back. Copy of journals are also placed, which motivates the students towards research.
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - February 2023. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
Sri Lalithambigai Medical College, Maduravoyal
Dr. S. V. Senthilnathan
Reach 3600 - An innovative way to reach all stakeholders through medical camps
SLMCH is a multispecialty hospital, the role of SLMCH is to help the needy by providing free surgery, medicines, doctor's consultation and satisfaction in treatment with a goal to offer top-notch treatment to all. To brand the Institution's name, SLMCH uses all the social media (FB, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube & Website) for a 360 degree reach to all stakeholders
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
PRO CODE (Professional Range Oriented Code)
The department of SCE has organized a PRO CODE (Professional Range Oriented CODE) for enhancing the coding knowledge of students. This is a creative club with lots of efforts taken with two motives, to share knowledge and to equip each other.
Centre for Online Programs
Ms. S. Sindhuja
Gamified Practice Test
The gamified practice test has been used by the faculty to give quick knowledge check test to the students and it makes the learning process more fun. It provides intellectual simulation to the students and encourages thinking and observation. It also helps to measure the performance level of the students.
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - January 2023. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
Ar. Vinolia Ar. Sanjay
Triple 'I' (III) Initiative towards Incremental Improvement-International Design Competition-Building Envelope
First Year-B.Tech (Faculty of E & T)
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - December 2022. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering - E&T
Dr. S. Anandhi Dr. K. S. Thivya
Hatching Ideology to Patent (HIP)
Department of Information Technology - E&T
Techie Cuts
Faculty of Medicine - Sri Lalithambigai Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Madhan Jeyaraman
Publication in world Leading Journal Lancet (IF-202.7)
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - November 2022. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
Department of Viscom and Animation
Ms. G. Jeevalatha
Mr. T. P. Dhanush Ram
Cash reward for innovative student assignment
Faculty of Pharmacy
Digitalization and personalization of feedback system
Ms. K. Thenesha
Self - directed Learning (Quiz train through Wattsapp)
The office of Planning and Development is elated to announce the winners for WALL OF FAME - October 2022. The learned committee evaluated the nominations on the following criteria 1. Description of Best Practice (10) 2. Role and Impact of Best Practice (40) 3. Status of Implementation (20) 4. Benefits to Stakeholders (20) 5. Awards and Recognition from Govt./other agencies (10)
FoM - Sri Lalithambigai Medical College and Hospital
Development of Stem Cell Culture Lab
Ar. V. Vidya
Er. Ponkumar
Planting Campaingn - One Student One Tree
Department of Information Technology (E & T)
Dr. Dahlia Sam
Research Initiative for Student Enrichment (RISE)
The management is pleased to have revised the reward scheme as SEMESTER ORIENTED (once in 6 months) For Details contact
Dr. E. Sheeba Percis, Joint Registrar, Ph : +91 9841261544 Email : walloffame@drmgrdu.ac.in